Mindful Morning Moments— Perhaps Prayer?

Peaslee DuMont
Nov 26, 2021

Amidst the Clamor, “the Fury and the Mire,”

Softness sits silently, creating presence.

Listen! The rain is not loud,

The wet traffic distant,

Intermittent when I let it fade.

Presence assembles, gathers at my call, looks

And listens once again.

All this that is wrapped in

As I stand in awe

Of the world that is wrapped in the rain.

Such vast vistas

as I know lie beyond.

Such vast inner spaces

as I know, wrapped in the heart.

Now the morning sun

transforms the world.

The spider webs appear,

intricate rainbow shimmers in the breeze,

the tree leaves dancing.

Now the world stirs, Stretches in delight.

Visions were there

as I woke — the shimmering

Dissolving bonds, loosening

the old attachments,

Immersing even the “I”

in this new world

Being born.

